Due to a server issue, all web requests submitted from 8/26/2024 through approximately 4 pm on 9/9/2024 were not distributed to the appropriate personnel and were not captured by our agency.
This means if your agency submitted a request via the reporting website to ask a question, cancel a request or request an expedite on a particular service, this information did not make it to the appropriate personnel.
Please reach out to the applicable manager if the request was of an urgent nature or resubmit the request.
The contact information for managers of all departments and labs can be found here
OPS Bulletin 2024-02.
We apologize for any inconvenience you and your agency experienced as a result of this error.
The following information is not included on Official Reports, but is present in the case file and available upon request:
- The dates of sampling and testing
- The location of testing
- Specific test methods (analytical procedures) used
For website support, please contact our help desk at 404-270-8607 or email us at